Custom Sports


Brought To You By

White Orthodontics
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Custom Mouthguard
Custom Mouthguard
Custom Mouthguard
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Gard lives where safety and style meet. Protect yourself like the pros by wearing what they wear: a custom mouthguard that fits your teeth like a glove. No more boil and bite.

Gard Custom Mouthguards

How It Works

Made possible by GARD

Ave Collection

Redeem Your Mouthguard

Fill out the form above to redeem your custom mouthguard

Ave Collection

Get a 3D Scan

Your orthodontist will coordinate a time with you to get your 3d Scan.

Ave Collection

Get Your Mouthguard

Gard will custom print and ship your brand new mouthguard to your doorstep.

No More

Boil + Bite

White Orthodontics

Dr Blair White

Before the dental field, Dr. Blair White was active on the football field. He graduated from Nouvel Catholic Central in Saginaw and walked on as a wide receiver for the Michigan State University football team. He then played in the NFL with the Indianapolis Colts alongside Peyton Manning. Injuries throughout those years in the NFL forced a change in his career path, and his affinity for science and business led him to dental school, where he later specialized in orthodontics. Fourteen years after he left, Dr. White moved back to Saginaw with his wife Karlie and their children and started White Orthodontics. He has since achieved the honor of being Saginaw’s #1 Invisalign® Doctor and is also included in the top 1% of Invisalign Providers in North America.

White Orthodontics